Now enrolling for the 2025-26 school year!

When life gives you lemons…













I love our winter bounty of citrus here in Placer County.  What better way to use all these wonderful, locally grown lemons than to make lemonade?

Our three-year-old class put some serious muscle and concentration into squeezing the lemons.












One child explained, “I’m squeezing all the sour out.”  She then worked diligently to spot every seed and remove it from the strainer.












Once the juice was squeezed, children added a bit of water (great opportunity to practice pouring skills!).












And then, of course, they added a scoop (or four) of sugar!












Many taste tests ensued, followed by wide eyes and puckered lips, until the lemonade tasted just right.






















One child suggested, “Next school day we should set up a lemonade stand!”

Great idea!









The lemonade stand is open for business!

As they prepared for customers, one child exclaimed, “I’m gonna call the chef lemonader!”









“You have $5 and I’m gonna get you a change.”









Children prepared lemonade that was sour, sweet, salty and spicy!

Customers received made-to-order lemonade and service with a smile.
















The lemonade stand soon expanded into a bustling restaurant.









This chef still had time to smile for a quick photo before heading back to the kitchen.









After a busy day, it’s time to close up shop!












2 thoughts on “When life gives you lemons…

  • February 7, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    I loved the pictures and content, Robannie! You are a great storyteller, thank you for teaching our children with such care and creativity!


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