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Survey Says…!

We recently introduced surveys to our 4 & 5 year old class.  This activity always proves to be a bit hit!












The children get to choose what categories they would like in their surveys.  Then either independently, or with an adult’s help, they create their survey charts.












This activity supports development of so many important skills & concepts!

It encourages communication and socialization between children…

































…it promotes development of language & literacy and math concepts…












…it builds fine motor and pre-writing skills…












…and it allows for self-expression.












And, most importantly, the children are engaged and having fun!

I love to watch them bustle around the classroom, clipboards in hand, asking their classmates to consider some thought-provoking questions:

“Do you like elephants or gorillas?”

“…cats or snails?

“…apples or bananas?”

“…caterpillars or stingrays?”

“…Luke Skywalker or Anakin?”









The children’s creativity, enthusiasm, and wonderful interactions are always a delight!


One thought on “Survey Says…!

  • February 23, 2012 at 5:32 am

    What a great idea. Thanks for sharing this. For the record, I like elephants, snails, bananas, stingrays (obviously) and Luke Skywalker.

    My kids have brought the survey idea home over the past week. Yesterday’s question was about our favorite dairy product. Butter or Ice Cream?


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