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Savoring the sun with outdoor fun!

This week we took advantage of the last few days of sunny weather before the rain came with a nature walk and a kite-making, kite-flying activity.

Nature Walk

For our students, no nature walk could be complete without the proper tools!










During lunch, we made predictions about what we might see on our walk.









With or without magnifying glasses, the kids like to get up close and personal with their surroundings.












I love to see what grabs their interest and to hear their observations.

“This plant is pokey-soft.”









“Look!  Heart-shaped leaves!”












How wonderful the stillness evoked when we stare up at the dappled sunlight filtering through towering redwood trees.












And how wonderful the  joyful romping that ensues when we discover our own shadows!












Our students and families are ever grateful to the amazing volunteers from the First United Methodist Church of Loomis who make this such a beautiful place to explore!

Kite-Making & Flying

Kids had lots of options for creating their kites: construction paper, streamers, yarn, tape, glue, chalk, markers, sequins, and tissue paper.









The children immediately tested out their kites’ flying capacities by getting a good running start.









And when that didn’t satisfy them, children explored a variety of other ways to give their kites “wings”.




















What great investigators and experimenters!





3 thoughts on “Savoring the sun with outdoor fun!

  • January 20, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    My children had so much fun on the nature walk. They were so excited by every leaf, blade, bug, and stick we found.

  • January 25, 2012 at 9:16 am

    What a wonderful adventure in learning about life for these little people! Thank you Robannie for opening the doors . . .

  • January 25, 2012 at 9:19 am

    What a wonderful adventure for these little people . . .


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